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David Cameron - Excalibur

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David Cameron nicknamed Excalibur, lives in Nova Scotia, Canada.  Currently the 2022 Workd Seniors Darts Master.  Cameron has been the Canadian Regional Representative at the BDO World Championship held at Lakeside in England from 2014-2020.  Cameron also has been one of only two male Canadian Players to rank #1, three consecutive years on the National Dart Federation of Canada ranking list.   He has represented Canada at 3 WDF World Cups including one which he and his partner won the Men's Doubles.

David's set up is his signature 22 gm "Excalibur"  darts, signature Rocket Air Flights and #5 red Gear Shafts.

Fit Flight Air, available in Shape and Rocket.  His signature "Excalibur" darts are also available on this site.

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