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Fit Flight 3 Pack (Hard)


COSMO DARTS has designed and evolved durable molded flights in an original way. Fit Flight reduces deflections and maintains consistency in the air by reducing unnecessary parts. The rigid material of the Fit Flight gives your darts more sense of stability. These flights come in various shapes and colors that will suit any player.

What COSMO DARTS pursued is “simple and stress free set-up darts”.

By producing exclusive flights and shafts, COSMO DARTS succeeded in developing an ideal “Fit System” that not only has beauty, but also superb functionality and comfort for us.

The dart flight, maintains its trajectory at four, 90 degree angles. COSMO DARTS achieved easy installation by adopting the Push-in System. It has reduced stress and enables players to focus on their dart game. We have also chosen and adopted the most suitable plastic resin as a material for the flights and designed a highly sophisticated injection-molded technique producing high quality flights that have combined high-performance with usability. The repeated strength tests and detailed analyses of the flight during time to market realized an ideal balance between durability and weight of the flight.

Regular price $9.99
Regular price $9.99
Regular price $9.99
Regular price $9.99
Regular price $9.99
Regular price $9.99 Sold Out
Regular price $9.99

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